Type aliases Accepted Plugin Defined in node_modules/postcss/lib/postcss.d.ts:209 Addon Function Addon Function: ( chunk: RenderedChunk ) => string | Promise < string >
Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:682 Type declaration ( chunk: RenderedChunk ) : string | Promise < string > Parameters Returns string | Promise < string > Addon Hook Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:362 Addon Hook Function Addon
: ( this
: PluginContext , chunk
: RenderedChunk ) => string | Promise < string > Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:358 Type declaration ( this: PluginContext , chunk: RenderedChunk ) : string | Promise < string > Parameters Returns string | Promise < string > Addon Hooks Addon Hooks: "banner" | "footer" | "intro" | "outro"
Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:482 Alias Options Alias
: readonly Alias [] | {} Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:60 Amd Options Amd Options: ( { autoId?: false ; id: string } | { autoId: true ; basePath?: string ; id?: undefined } | { autoId?: false ; id?: undefined } ) & { define?: string ; forceJsExtensionForImports?: boolean }
Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:649 Anymatch Fn Anymatch Fn: ( testString: string ) => boolean
Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:62 Type declaration ( testString: string ) : boolean Parameters Returns boolean Anymatch Matcher Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:64 Anymatch Pattern Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:63 App Type App Type: "spa" | "mpa" | "custom"
Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:3018 Assignment Operator Assignment Operator: "=" | "+=" | "-=" | "*=" | "/=" | "%=" | "**=" | "<<=" | ">>=" | ">>>=" | "|=" | "^=" | "&=" | "||=" | "&&=" | "??="
Defined in node_modules/rollup/node_modules/@types/estree/index.d.ts:485 Async Plugin Hooks Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:457 At Rule Processor At
: ( atRule
: AtRule_ , helper
: Helpers ) => Promise < void > | void Defined in node_modules/postcss/lib/postcss.d.ts:37 Type declaration Parameters Returns Promise < void > | void Awaited Event Listener Awaited Event Listener< T , K > : ( ... parameters: Parameters < T [ K ] > ) => void | Promise < void >
Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:921 Type parameters Type declaration ( ... parameters: Parameters < T [ K ] > ) : void | Promise < void > Parameters Rest ... parameters: Parameters < T [ K ] > Returns void | Promise < void > Base Sign Options Base
: Readonly < { app
: string ; identity
?: string ; keychain
?: string ; platform
?: ElectronMacPlatform } > Defined in node_modules/@electron/osx-sign/dist/esm/types.d.ts:3 Binary Operator Binary Operator: "==" | "!=" | "===" | "!==" | "<" | "<=" | ">" | ">=" | "<<" | ">>" | ">>>" | "+" | "-" | "*" | "/" | "%" | "**" | "|" | "^" | "&" | "in" | "instanceof"
Defined in node_modules/rollup/node_modules/@types/estree/index.d.ts:459 BindCLIShortcuts Options BindCLIShortcuts
< Server > : { customShortcuts
?: CLIShortcut < Server > [] ; print
?: boolean } Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:749 Type parameters Type declaration Optional custom Shortcuts?: CLIShortcut < Server > [] Optional print?: boolean CLIShortcut CLIShortcut< Server > : { description: string ; key: string ; action?: any }
Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:761 Type parameters Type declaration description: string key: string action?: function action( server: Server ) : void | Promise < void > Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:764 Parameters Returns void | Promise < void > Call Expression Defined in node_modules/rollup/node_modules/@types/estree/index.d.ts:392 Chain Element Defined in node_modules/rollup/node_modules/@types/estree/index.d.ts:291 Change Event Change Event: "create" | "update" | "delete"
Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:364 Charset Charset: "ascii" | "utf8"
Defined in node_modules/esbuild/lib/main.d.ts:5 Child Node Defined in node_modules/postcss/lib/node.d.ts:17 Child Props Defined in node_modules/postcss/lib/node.d.ts:27 Comment Processor Comment
: ( comment
: Comment_ , helper
: Helpers ) => Promise < void > | void Defined in node_modules/postcss/lib/postcss.d.ts:38 Type declaration Parameters Returns Promise < void > | void Cors Origin Cors Origin: boolean | string | RegExp | ( string | RegExp ) []
Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:705 Create Options Create
: { dot
?: boolean ; globOptions
?: IOptions ; ordering
?: string ; pattern
?: string ; unpack
?: string ; unpackDir
?: string ; transform
?: any } Defined in node_modules/@electron/asar/lib/index.d.ts:4 Type declaration Optional dot?: boolean Optional glob Options?: IOptions Optional ordering?: string Optional pattern?: string Optional unpack?: string Optional unpack Dir?: string transform?: function transform( filePath: string ) : void | ReadWriteStream Defined in node_modules/@electron/asar/lib/index.d.ts:9 Parameters Returns void | ReadWriteStream Declaration Defined in node_modules/rollup/node_modules/@types/estree/index.d.ts:232 Declaration Processor Defined in node_modules/postcss/lib/postcss.d.ts:32 Type declaration Parameters Returns Promise < void > | void Decoded Source Map Or Missing Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:75 Dep Optimization Options Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:2531 Document Processor Document
: ( document
: Document_ , helper
: Helpers ) => Promise < void > | void Defined in node_modules/postcss/lib/postcss.d.ts:27 Type declaration Parameters Returns Promise < void > | void Drop Drop: "console" | "debugger"
Defined in node_modules/esbuild/lib/main.d.ts:6 ECMA ECMA: 5 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020
Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:1970 Electron Mac Platform Electron Mac Platform: "darwin" | "mas"
Defined in node_modules/@electron/osx-sign/dist/esm/types.d.ts:1 Electron Process Electron Process: ChildProcess & { restarted: boolean }
Defined in packages/utils/types/dist/index.d.ts:9 Emit File Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:173 Emitted File Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:171 Error Callback Error
: ( err
: Error , req
: http.IncomingMessage , res
: http.ServerResponse , target
?: ProxyTargetUrl ) => void Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:382 Type declaration ( err: Error , req: http.IncomingMessage , res: http.ServerResponse , target?: ProxyTargetUrl ) : void Parameters err: Error req: http.IncomingMessage res: http.ServerResponse Returns void Error Handle Function Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:277 Type declaration Parameters err: any res: http.ServerResponse Returns void Exports Data Exports Data: { exports: readonly string [] ; hasImports: boolean ; jsxLoader?: boolean }
Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:2455 Type declaration exports: readonly string [] has Imports: boolean Optional jsx Loader?: boolean Expression Defined in node_modules/rollup/node_modules/@types/estree/index.d.ts:287 External Option External
: ( string | RegExp ) [] | string | RegExp | ( ( source
: string , importer
: string | undefined , isResolved
: boolean ) => boolean | NullValue ) Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:539 Finalize Package Targets Hook Function Defined in node_modules/@electron/packager/dist/types.d.ts:88 First Plugin Hooks First Plugin Hooks: "load" | "renderDynamicImport" | "resolveDynamicImport" | "resolveFileUrl" | "resolveId" | "resolveImportMeta" | "shouldTransformCachedModule"
Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:459 Forge Config Maker Defined in packages/utils/types/dist/index.d.ts:15 Forge Config Plugin Defined in packages/utils/types/dist/index.d.ts:16 Forge Config Publisher Defined in packages/utils/types/dist/index.d.ts:14 Forge Hook Fn Defined in packages/utils/types/dist/index.d.ts:41 Type parameters Forge Hook Map Defined in packages/utils/types/dist/index.d.ts:42 Forge Hook Name Defined in packages/utils/types/dist/index.d.ts:38 Forge Listr Task Definition Defined in packages/utils/types/dist/index.d.ts:177 Forge Multi Hook Map Defined in packages/utils/types/dist/index.d.ts:45 Forge Mutating Hook Fn Defined in packages/utils/types/dist/index.d.ts:40 Type parameters Forge Packager Options Forge
: Omit < Options , "dir" | "arch" | "platform" | "out" | "electronVersion" > Defined in packages/utils/types/dist/index.d.ts:55 Forge Rebuild Options Forge
: Omit < RebuildOptions , "buildPath" | "electronVersion" | "arch" > Defined in packages/utils/types/dist/index.d.ts:54 Forge Simple Hook Fn Defined in packages/utils/types/dist/index.d.ts:39 Type parameters Type declaration Parameters Returns Promise < void > Format Format: "iife" | "cjs" | "esm"
Defined in node_modules/esbuild/lib/main.d.ts:2 Generated Code Preset Generated Code Preset: "es5" | "es2015"
Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:629 Get Interop Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:647 Get Manual Chunk Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:537 Get Module Info Get
: ( moduleId
: string ) => ModuleInfo | null Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:195 Globals Option Globals Option: {} | ( ( name: string ) => string )
Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:545 HMRPayload Defined in node_modules/vite/types/hmrPayload.d.ts:1 Handle Function Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:283 Has Module Side Effects Has Module Side Effects: ( id: string , external: boolean ) => boolean
Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:301 Type declaration ( id: string , external: boolean ) : boolean Parameters id: string external: boolean Returns boolean Helpers Defined in node_modules/postcss/lib/postcss.d.ts:183 Hook Function Defined in node_modules/@electron/packager/dist/types.d.ts:72 Type declaration Parameters buildPath: string electronVersion: string Returns void Hook Function Hook Function: ( fileToSign: string ) => void | Promise < void >
Defined in node_modules/@electron/packager/node_modules/@electron/windows-sign/dist/esm/types.d.ts:32 Type declaration ( fileToSign: string ) : void | Promise < void > Parameters Returns void | Promise < void > Hook Function Error Callback Hook Function Error Callback: ( err?: Error | null ) => void
Defined in node_modules/@electron/packager/dist/types.d.ts:37 Type declaration ( err?: Error | null ) : void Parameters Optional err: Error | null Returns void Hook Handler Hook
< T > : T extends ObjectHook < infer H
> ? H : T Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:2986 Type parameters Http Server Http Server: http.Server | Http2SecureServer
Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:1584 Ignore Function Ignore Function: ( path: string ) => boolean
Defined in node_modules/@electron/packager/dist/types.d.ts:36 Type declaration Parameters Returns boolean Import Kind Import Kind: "entry-point" | "import-statement" | "require-call" | "dynamic-import" | "require-resolve" | "import-rule" | "composes-from" | "url-token"
Defined in node_modules/esbuild/lib/main.d.ts:384 Index Html Transform Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:2847 Index Html Transform Hook Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:2846 Index Html Transform Result Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:2828 Infer Custom Event Payload Defined in node_modules/vite/types/customEvent.d.ts:34 Type parameters Inner Start Result Defined in packages/utils/types/dist/index.d.ts:169 Input Option Input Option: string | string [] | {}
Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:547 Input Plugin Option Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:575 Internal Module Format Internal Module Format: "amd" | "cjs" | "es" | "iife" | "system" | "umd"
Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:625 Interop Type Interop Type: "compat" | "auto" | "esModule" | "default" | "defaultOnly"
Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:645 Is External Is External: ( source: string , importer: string | undefined , isResolved: boolean ) => boolean
Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:295 Type declaration ( source: string , importer: string | undefined , isResolved: boolean ) : boolean Parameters source: string importer: string | undefined isResolved: boolean Returns boolean Library Formats Library Formats: "es" | "cjs" | "umd" | "iife"
Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:2401 LightningCSSOptions Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:2750 Type declaration Optional drafts?: Drafts Optional exclude?: number Optional include?: number Optional non Standard?: NonStandard Optional targets?: Targets Optional unused Symbols?: string [] Listr Base Class Options Defined in node_modules/listr2/dist/index.d.ts:829 Type parameters Listr Context Listr Context: any | undefined
Defined in node_modules/listr2/dist/index.d.ts:681 Listr Default Renderer Defined in node_modules/listr2/dist/index.d.ts:596 Listr Default Renderer Value Listr Default Renderer Value: "default"
Defined in node_modules/listr2/dist/index.d.ts:594 Listr Event Defined in node_modules/listr2/dist/index.d.ts:837 Listr Fallback Renderer Defined in node_modules/listr2/dist/index.d.ts:600 Listr Fallback Renderer Value Listr Fallback Renderer Value: "verbose"
Defined in node_modules/listr2/dist/index.d.ts:598 Listr Get Renderer Class From Value Defined in node_modules/listr2/dist/index.d.ts:617 Type parameters Listr Get Renderer Options Defined in node_modules/listr2/dist/index.d.ts:625 Type parameters Listr Get Renderer Task Options Defined in node_modules/listr2/dist/index.d.ts:629 Type parameters Listr Renderer Factory Defined in node_modules/listr2/dist/index.d.ts:673 Listr Renderer Value Defined in node_modules/listr2/dist/index.d.ts:613 Listr Silent Renderer Defined in node_modules/listr2/dist/index.d.ts:604 Listr Silent Renderer Value Listr Silent Renderer Value: "silent"
Defined in node_modules/listr2/dist/index.d.ts:602 Listr Simple Renderer Defined in node_modules/listr2/dist/index.d.ts:608 Listr Simple Renderer Value Listr Simple Renderer Value: "simple"
Defined in node_modules/listr2/dist/index.d.ts:606 Listr Sub Class Options Defined in node_modules/listr2/dist/index.d.ts:835 Type parameters Listr Task Result Defined in node_modules/listr2/dist/index.d.ts:821 Type parameters Literal Defined in node_modules/rollup/node_modules/@types/estree/index.d.ts:432 Load Hook Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:305 Load Result Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:303 Loader Loader: "base64" | "binary" | "copy" | "css" | "dataurl" | "default" | "empty" | "file" | "js" | "json" | "jsx" | "local-css" | "text" | "ts" | "tsx"
Defined in node_modules/esbuild/lib/main.d.ts:3 Log Handler Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:559 Log Handler With Default Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:551 Log Level Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:608 Log Level Log Level: "verbose" | "debug" | "info" | "warning" | "error" | "silent"
Defined in node_modules/esbuild/lib/main.d.ts:4 Log Level Log Level: "warn" | "info" | "debug"
Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:45 Log Level Option Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:46 Log Or String Handler Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:557 Log Type Log Type: "error" | "warn" | "info"
Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:607 Logging Function Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:134 Logging Function With Position Logging
: ( log
: RollupLog | string | ( ( ) => RollupLog | string ) , pos
?: number | { column
: number ; line
: number } ) => void Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:201 Type declaration ( log: RollupLog | string | ( ( ) => RollupLog | string ) , pos?: number | { column: number ; line: number } ) : void Parameters Optional pos: number | { column: number ; line: number } Returns void Logical Operator Logical Operator: "||" | "&&" | "??"
Defined in node_modules/rollup/node_modules/@types/estree/index.d.ts:483 Make Async Make Async< Function_ > : Function_ extends ( this: infer This, ... parameters: infer Arguments) => infer Return ? ( this: This , ... parameters: Arguments ) => Return | Promise < Return > : never
Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:484 Type parameters Make Universal Opts Defined in node_modules/@electron/packager/dist/types.d.ts:7 Make Universal Opts Make Universal Opts: { arm64AppPath: string ; force?: boolean ; infoPlistsToIgnore?: string ; mergeASARs?: boolean ; outAppPath: string ; singleArchFiles?: string ; x64AppPath: string ; x64ArchFiles?: string }
Defined in node_modules/@electron/universal/dist/cjs/index.d.ts:1 Type declaration arm64 App Path: string Optional force?: boolean Optional info Plists To Ignore?: string Optional mergeASARs?: boolean out App Path: string Optional single Arch Files?: string x64 App Path: string Optional x64 Arch Files?: string Manual Chunks Option Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:549 Maybe Promise Maybe Promise< T > : T | Promise < T >
Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:8 Type parameters Module Declaration Defined in node_modules/rollup/node_modules/@types/estree/index.d.ts:621 Module Format Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:627 Module Parsed Hook Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:323 Module Side Effects Option Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:561 Module Type Module Type: "prod" | "dev" | "optional"
Defined in node_modules/@electron/rebuild/lib/src/module-walker.d.ts:1 Next Function Next Function: ( err?: any ) => void
Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:266 Next Handle Function Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:272 Normalized Amd Options Normalized Amd Options: ( { autoId: false ; id?: string } | { autoId: true ; basePath: string } ) & { define: string ; forceJsExtensionForImports: boolean }
Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:668 Notary Tool Credentials Defined in node_modules/@electron/notarize/lib/types.d.ts:24 Null Value Null Value: null | undefined | void
Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:6 Object Hook Object Hook< T , O > : T | ( { handler: T ; order?: "pre" | "post" | null } & O )
Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:492 Type parameters Official Arch Official Arch: "ia32" | "x64" | "armv7l" | "arm64" | "mips64el" | "universal"
Defined in node_modules/@electron/packager/dist/types.d.ts:12 Official Platform Official Platform: "linux" | "win32" | "darwin" | "mas"
Defined in node_modules/@electron/packager/dist/types.d.ts:16 Only Sign Options Only
: { binaries
?: string [] ; identityValidation
?: boolean ; ignore
?: string | string [] | ( ( file
: string ) => boolean ) ; preAutoEntitlements
?: boolean ; preEmbedProvisioningProfile
?: boolean ; provisioningProfile
?: string ; strictVerify
?: boolean ; type
?: SigningDistributionType ; version
?: string ; optionsForFile
?: any } Defined in node_modules/@electron/osx-sign/dist/esm/types.d.ts:41 Type declaration Optional binaries?: string [] Optional identity Validation?: boolean Optional ignore?: string | string [] | ( ( file: string ) => boolean ) Optional pre Auto Entitlements?: boolean Optional pre Embed Provisioning Profile?: boolean Optional provisioning Profile?: string Optional strict Verify?: boolean Optional version?: string options For File?: function Defined in node_modules/@electron/osx-sign/dist/esm/types.d.ts:43 Parameters Options Paths Options Paths: Record < string , string > | ( ( id: string ) => string )
Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:643 Osx Sign Options Osx
: Omit < SignOptions , "app" | "binaries" | "platform" | "version" > Defined in node_modules/@electron/packager/dist/types.d.ts:90 Osx Universal Options Osx
: Omit < MakeUniversalOpts , "x64AppPath" | "arm64AppPath" | "outAppPath" | "force" > Defined in node_modules/@electron/packager/dist/types.d.ts:95 Output Plugin Hooks Output Plugin Hooks: "augmentChunkHash" | "generateBundle" | "outputOptions" | "renderChunk" | "renderDynamicImport" | "renderError" | "renderStart" | "resolveFileUrl" | "resolveImportMeta" | "writeBundle"
Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:435 Output Plugin Option Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:684 Package Cache Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:1701 Parallel Plugin Hooks Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:477 Parse Ast Parse
: ( input
: string , options
?: { allowReturnOutsideFunction
?: boolean } ) => ProgramNode Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:206 Type declaration ( input: string , options?: { allowReturnOutsideFunction?: boolean } ) : ProgramNode Parameters input: string Optional options: { allowReturnOutsideFunction?: boolean } Optional allow Return Outside Function?: boolean Partial Null Partial Null< T > : { [ P in keyof T ] : T [ P ] | null }
Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:10 Type parameters Pattern Defined in node_modules/rollup/node_modules/@types/estree/index.d.ts:411 Per File Sign Options Per File Sign Options: { entitlements?: string | string [] ; hardenedRuntime?: boolean ; requirements?: string ; signatureFlags?: string | string [] ; timestamp?: string }
Defined in node_modules/@electron/osx-sign/dist/esm/types.d.ts:16 Type declaration Optional entitlements?: string | string [] Optional hardened Runtime?: boolean Optional requirements?: string Optional signature Flags?: string | string [] Optional timestamp?: string Platform Platform: "browser" | "node" | "neutral"
Defined in node_modules/esbuild/lib/main.d.ts:1 Plugin Hooks Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:494 Plugin Option Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:3033 Plugin With Required Hook Plugin
< K > : Plugin & { [ P in K ] : NonNullable < Plugin [ P ] > } Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:2987 Type parameters Postcss Defined in node_modules/postcss/lib/postcss.d.ts:341 Preserve Entry Signatures Option Preserve Entry Signatures Option: false | "strict" | "allow-extension" | "exports-only"
Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:563 Preview Server Hook Preview
: ( this
: void , server
: PreviewServer ) => ( ( ) => void ) | void | Promise < ( ( ) => void ) | void > Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:743 Type declaration ( this: void , server: PreviewServer ) : ( ( ) => void ) | void | Promise < ( ( ) => void ) | void > Parameters Returns ( ( ) => void ) | void | Promise < ( ( ) => void ) | void > Program Node Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:982 Prompt Options Defined in node_modules/listr2/dist/index.d.ts:81 Type parameters Prompt Options Defined in node_modules/enquirer/index.d.ts:86 Prompt Options Type Defined in node_modules/listr2/dist/index.d.ts:98 Type parameters Prompt Types Prompt Types: "AutoComplete" | "BasicAuth" | "Confirm" | "Editable" | "Form" | "Input" | "Invisible" | "List" | "MultiSelect" | "Numeral" | "Password" | "Quiz" | "Scale" | "Select" | "Snippet" | "Sort" | "Survey" | "Text" | "Toggle"
Defined in node_modules/listr2/dist/index.d.ts:97 Proxy Target Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:363 Proxy Target Url Proxy Target Url: string | Partial < url.Url >
Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:365 Raw Data Raw Data: Buffer | ArrayBuffer | Buffer []
Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:1160 Rebuild Mode Rebuild Mode: "sequential" | "parallel"
Defined in node_modules/@electron/rebuild/lib/src/types.d.ts:7 Render Built Asset Url Render Built Asset Url: ( filename: string , type: { hostId: string ; hostType: "js" | "css" | "html" ; ssr: boolean ; type: "asset" | "public" } ) => string | { relative?: boolean ; runtime?: string } | undefined
Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:2431 Type declaration ( filename: string , type: { hostId: string ; hostType: "js" | "css" | "html" ; ssr: boolean ; type: "asset" | "public" } ) : string | { relative?: boolean ; runtime?: string } | undefined Parameters filename: string type: { hostId: string ; hostType: "js" | "css" | "html" ; ssr: boolean ; type: "asset" | "public" } host Id: string host Type: "js" | "css" | "html" ssr: boolean type: "asset" | "public" Returns string | { relative?: boolean ; runtime?: string } | undefined Render Chunk Hook Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:325 Type declaration Parameters code: string chunk: RenderedChunk meta: { chunks: Record < string , RenderedChunk > } chunks: Record < string , RenderedChunk > Resolve Dynamic Import Hook Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:333 Type declaration Parameters specifier: string | AstNode importer: string options: { attributes: Record < string , string > } attributes: Record < string , string > Resolve File Url Hook Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:346 Type declaration Parameters options: { chunkId: string ; fileName: string ; format: InternalModuleFormat ; moduleId: string ; referenceId: string ; relativePath: string } chunk Id: string file Name: string module Id: string reference Id: string relative Path: string Resolve Fn Resolve Fn: ( id: string , importer?: string , aliasOnly?: boolean , ssr?: boolean ) => Promise < string | undefined >
Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:3277 Type declaration ( id: string , importer?: string , aliasOnly?: boolean , ssr?: boolean ) : Promise < string | undefined > Parameters id: string Optional importer: string Optional aliasOnly: boolean Optional ssr: boolean Returns Promise < string | undefined > Resolve Id Hook Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:275 Type declaration Parameters source: string importer: string | undefined options: { attributes: Record < string , string > ; custom?: CustomPluginOptions ; isEntry: boolean } attributes: Record < string , string > is Entry: boolean Resolve Id Result Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:271 Resolve Import Meta Hook Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:340 Type declaration Parameters property: string | null options: { chunkId: string ; format: InternalModuleFormat ; moduleId: string } chunk Id: string module Id: string Resolve Module Preload Dependencies Fn Resolve Module Preload Dependencies Fn: ( filename: string , deps: string [] , context: { hostId: string ; hostType: "html" | "js" } ) => string []
Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:2419 Type declaration ( filename: string , deps: string [] , context: { hostId: string ; hostType: "html" | "js" } ) : string [] Parameters filename: string deps: string [] context: { hostId: string ; hostType: "html" | "js" } host Id: string host Type: "html" | "js" Returns string [] ResolvedCSSOptions Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:2802 Resolved Url Resolved Url: [ url: string , resolvedId: string , meta: object | null | undefined ]
Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:813 Rollup Watcher Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:967 Rollup Watcher Event Rollup
: { code
: "START" } | { code
: "BUNDLE_START" ; input
?: InputOption ; output
: readonly string [] } | { code
: "BUNDLE_END" ; duration
: number ; input
?: InputOption ; output
: readonly string [] ; result
: RollupBuild } | { code
: "END" } | { code
: "ERROR" ; error
: RollupError ; result
: RollupBuild | null } Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:954 Root Processor Root
: ( root
: Root_ , helper
: Helpers ) => Promise < void > | void Defined in node_modules/postcss/lib/postcss.d.ts:31 Type declaration Parameters Returns Promise < void > | void Rule Processor Rule
: ( rule
: Rule_ , helper
: Helpers ) => Promise < void > | void Defined in node_modules/postcss/lib/postcss.d.ts:36 Type declaration Parameters Returns Promise < void > | void SSRTarget SSRTarget: "node" | "webworker"
Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:2612 Same Shape Same Shape< Out , In > : In & { [ Key in Exclude < keyof In , keyof Out > ] : never }
Defined in node_modules/esbuild/lib/main.d.ts:528 Type parameters Sequential Plugin Hooks Sequential Plugin Hooks: "augmentChunkHash" | "generateBundle" | "onLog" | "options" | "outputOptions" | "renderChunk" | "transform"
Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:468 Server Handle Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:260 Server Hook Server
: ( this
: void , server
: ViteDevServer ) => ( ( ) => void ) | void | Promise < ( ( ) => void ) | void > Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:1583 Type declaration ( this: void , server: ViteDevServer ) : ( ( ) => void ) | void | Promise < ( ( ) => void ) | void > Parameters Returns ( ( ) => void ) | void | Promise < ( ( ) => void ) | void > Should Transform Cached Module Hook Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:282 Type declaration Parameters options: { ast: ProgramNode ; code: string ; id: string ; meta: CustomPluginOptions ; moduleSideEffects: boolean | "no-treeshake" ; resolvedSources: ResolvedIdMap ; syntheticNamedExports: boolean | string } code: string id: string module Side Effects: boolean | "no-treeshake" synthetic Named Exports: boolean | string Sign Options Defined in node_modules/@electron/osx-sign/dist/esm/types.d.ts:69 Signing Distribution Type Signing Distribution Type: "development" | "distribution"
Defined in node_modules/@electron/osx-sign/dist/esm/types.d.ts:2 Simple Handle Function Simple
: ( req
: IncomingMessage , res
: http.ServerResponse ) => void Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:268 Source Map Defined in node_modules/postcss/lib/postcss.d.ts:179 Source Map Input Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:93 Source Map Segment Source Map Segment: [ number ] | [ number , number , number , number ] | [ number , number , number , number , number ]
Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:48 Sourcemap Ignore List Option Sourcemap Ignore List Option: ( relativeSourcePath: string , sourcemapPath: string ) => boolean
Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:570 Type declaration ( relativeSourcePath: string , sourcemapPath: string ) : boolean Parameters relativeSourcePath: string sourcemapPath: string Returns boolean Sourcemap Path Transform Option Sourcemap Path Transform Option: ( relativeSourcePath: string , sourcemapPath: string ) => string
Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:565 Type declaration ( relativeSourcePath: string , sourcemapPath: string ) : string Parameters relativeSourcePath: string sourcemapPath: string Returns string Start Result Defined in packages/utils/types/dist/index.d.ts:170 Statement Defined in node_modules/rollup/node_modules/@types/estree/index.d.ts:103 Sync Plugin Hooks Sync Plugin Hooks: "augmentChunkHash" | "onLog" | "outputOptions" | "renderDynamicImport" | "resolveFileUrl" | "resolveImportMeta"
Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:449 Target Arch Defined in node_modules/@electron/packager/dist/types.d.ts:17 Target Definition Defined in node_modules/@electron/packager/dist/types.d.ts:84 Target Platform Defined in node_modules/@electron/packager/dist/types.d.ts:18 Teardown Logic Defined in node_modules/rxjs/dist/types/internal/types.d.ts:57 Trace Options Trace Options: { category: string ; extraDetails?: Record < string , string > ; name: string ; newRoot?: boolean }
Defined in packages/utils/tracer/dist/index.d.ts:1 Type declaration category: string Optional extra Details?: Record < string , string > name: string Optional new Root?: boolean Transform Hook Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:317 Transform Result Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:315 Treeshaking Preset Treeshaking Preset: "smallest" | "safest" | "recommended"
Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:515 Unary Operator Unary Operator: "-" | "+" | "!" | "~" | "typeof" | "void" | "delete"
Defined in node_modules/rollup/node_modules/@types/estree/index.d.ts:457 Unionize Unionize< T > : { [ P in keyof T ] : T [ P ] } [ keyof T ]
Defined in node_modules/listr2/dist/index.d.ts:94 Type parameters T: Record < PropertyKey , unknown > Update Operator Update Operator: "++" | "--"
Defined in node_modules/rollup/node_modules/@types/estree/index.d.ts:503 Warning Handler With Default Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:788 Watch Change Hook Defined in node_modules/rollup/dist/rollup.d.ts:365 Web Socket Custom Listener Defined in node_modules/vite/dist/node/index.d.ts:1415 Type parameters
Specifies an
, or anArray
, which defines aliases used to replace values inimport
statements. With either format, the order of the entries is important, in that the first defined rules are applied first.This is passed to @rollup/plugin-alias as the "entries" field https://github.com/rollup/plugins/tree/master/packages/alias#entries