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appType?: AppType

Whether your application is a Single Page Application (SPA), a Multi-Page Application (MPA), or Custom Application (SSR and frameworks with custom HTML handling)



assetsInclude?: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[]

Specify additional picomatch patterns to be treated as static assets.

base?: string

Base public path when served in development or production.



build?: BuildOptions

Build specific options

cacheDir?: string

Directory to save cache files. Files in this directory are pre-bundled deps or some other cache files that generated by vite, which can improve the performance. You can use --force flag or manually delete the directory to regenerate the cache files. The value can be either an absolute file system path or a path relative to project root. Default to .vite when no package.json is detected.



clearScreen?: boolean


CSS related options (preprocessors and CSS modules)

customLogger?: Logger

Custom logger.

define?: Record<string, any>

Define global variable replacements. Entries will be defined on window during dev and replaced during build.

envDir?: string

Environment files directory. Can be an absolute path, or a path relative from root.



envPrefix?: string | string[]

Env variables starts with envPrefix will be exposed to your client source code via import.meta.env.



esbuild?: false | ESBuildOptions

Transform options to pass to esbuild. Or set to false to disable esbuild.

experimental?: ExperimentalOptions

Experimental features

Features under this field could change in the future and might NOT follow semver. Please be careful and always pin Vite's version when using them.


JSON loading options

legacy?: LegacyOptions

Legacy options

Features under this field only follow semver for patches, they could be removed in a future minor version. Please always pin Vite's version to a minor when using them.

logLevel?: LogLevel

Log level.



mode?: string

Explicitly set a mode to run in. This will override the default mode for each command, and can be overridden by the command line --mode option.

optimizeDeps?: DepOptimizationOptions

Dep optimization options

plugins?: PluginOption[]

Array of vite plugins to use.

preview?: PreviewOptions

Preview specific options, e.g. host, port, https...

publicDir?: string | false

Directory to serve as plain static assets. Files in this directory are served and copied to build dist dir as-is without transform. The value can be either an absolute file system path or a path relative to project root.

Set to false or an empty string to disable copied static assets to build dist dir.



resolve?: ResolveOptions & { alias?: AliasOptions }

Configure resolver

root?: string

Project root directory. Can be an absolute path, or a path relative from the location of the config file itself.



server?: ServerOptions

Server specific options, e.g. host, port, https...

SSR specific options

worker?: { format?: "es" | "iife"; rollupOptions?: Omit<RollupOptions, "plugins" | "input" | "onwarn" | "preserveEntrySignatures">; plugins?: any }

Worker bundle options

Type declaration

  • Optional format?: "es" | "iife"

    Output format for worker bundle



  • Optional rollupOptions?: Omit<RollupOptions, "plugins" | "input" | "onwarn" | "preserveEntrySignatures">

    Rollup options to build worker bundle

  • plugins?:function
    • Vite plugins that apply to worker bundle. The plugins returned by this function should be new instances every time it is called, because they are used for each rollup worker bundling process.

      Returns PluginOption[]