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A rule description with conditions and effects for modules.


  • RuleSetRule



assert?: {}

Match on import assertions of the dependency.

Type declaration

compiler?: string | RegExp | RuleSetLogicalConditions | ((value: string) => boolean) | RuleSetCondition[]

Match the child compiler name.

dependency?: string | RegExp | RuleSetLogicalConditions | RuleSetCondition[] | ((value: string) => boolean)

Match dependency type.

descriptionData?: {}

Match values of properties in the description file (usually package.json).

Type declaration

enforce?: "post" | "pre"

Enforce this rule as pre or post step.

exclude?: string | RegExp | RuleSetLogicalConditionsAbsolute | ((value: string) => boolean) | RuleSetConditionAbsolute[]

Shortcut for resource.exclude.

generator?: {}

The options for the module generator.

Type declaration

  • [index: string]: any
include?: string | RegExp | RuleSetLogicalConditionsAbsolute | RuleSetConditionAbsolute[] | ((value: string) => boolean)

Shortcut for resource.include.

issuer?: string | RegExp | RuleSetLogicalConditionsAbsolute | RuleSetConditionAbsolute[] | ((value: string) => boolean)

Match the issuer of the module (The module pointing to this module).

issuerLayer?: string | RegExp | RuleSetLogicalConditions | RuleSetCondition[] | ((value: string) => boolean)

Match layer of the issuer of this module (The module pointing to this module).

layer?: string

Specifies the layer in which the module should be placed in.

loader?: string

Shortcut for use.loader.

mimetype?: string | RegExp | RuleSetLogicalConditions | RuleSetCondition[] | ((value: string) => boolean)

Match module mimetype when load from Data URI.

oneOf?: (undefined | null | false | "" | 0 | RuleSetRule)[]

Only execute the first matching rule in this array.

options?: string | {}

Shortcut for use.options.

parser?: {}

Options for parsing.

Type declaration

  • [index: string]: any
realResource?: string | RegExp | RuleSetLogicalConditionsAbsolute | RuleSetConditionAbsolute[] | ((value: string) => boolean)

Match the real resource path of the module.

Options for the resolver.

resource?: string | RegExp | RuleSetLogicalConditionsAbsolute | RuleSetConditionAbsolute[] | ((value: string) => boolean)

Match the resource path of the module.

resourceFragment?: string | RegExp | RuleSetLogicalConditions | RuleSetCondition[] | ((value: string) => boolean)

Match the resource fragment of the module.

resourceQuery?: string | RegExp | RuleSetLogicalConditions | RuleSetCondition[] | ((value: string) => boolean)

Match the resource query of the module.

rules?: (undefined | null | false | "" | 0 | RuleSetRule)[]

Match and execute these rules when this rule is matched.

scheme?: string | RegExp | RuleSetLogicalConditions | RuleSetCondition[] | ((value: string) => boolean)

Match module scheme.

sideEffects?: boolean

Flags a module as with or without side effects.

test?: string | RegExp | RuleSetLogicalConditionsAbsolute | RuleSetConditionAbsolute[] | ((value: string) => boolean)

Shortcut for resource.test.

type?: string

Module type to use for the module.

use?: string | (undefined | null | string | false | 0 | { ident?: string; loader?: string; options?: string | {} } | ((data: object) => string | __TypeWebpackOptions | { ident?: string; loader?: string; options?: string | {} } | __Type_2[]))[] | ((data: { compiler: string; issuer: string; realResource: string; resource: string; resourceQuery: string }) => __Type_2[]) | { ident?: string; loader?: string; options?: string | {} } | __TypeWebpackOptions

Modifiers applied to the module when rule is matched.