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Options object for persistent file-based caching.


  • FileCacheOptions



allowCollectingMemory?: boolean

Allows to collect unused memory allocated during deserialization. This requires copying data into smaller buffers and has a performance cost.

buildDependencies?: {}

Dependencies the build depends on (in multiple categories, default categories: 'defaultWebpack').

Type declaration

  • [index: string]: string[]
cacheDirectory?: string

Base directory for the cache (defaults to node_modules/.cache/webpack).

cacheLocation?: string

Locations for the cache (defaults to cacheDirectory / name).

compression?: false | "gzip" | "brotli"

Compression type used for the cache files.

hashAlgorithm?: string

Algorithm used for generation the hash (see node.js crypto package).

idleTimeout?: number

Time in ms after which idle period the cache storing should happen.

idleTimeoutAfterLargeChanges?: number

Time in ms after which idle period the cache storing should happen when larger changes has been detected (cumulative build time > 2 x avg cache store time).

idleTimeoutForInitialStore?: number

Time in ms after which idle period the initial cache storing should happen.

immutablePaths?: (string | RegExp)[]

List of paths that are managed by a package manager and contain a version or hash in its path so all files are immutable.

managedPaths?: (string | RegExp)[]

List of paths that are managed by a package manager and can be trusted to not be modified otherwise.

maxAge?: number

Time for which unused cache entries stay in the filesystem cache at minimum (in milliseconds).

maxMemoryGenerations?: number

Number of generations unused cache entries stay in memory cache at minimum (0 = no memory cache used, 1 = may be removed after unused for a single compilation, ..., Infinity: kept forever). Cache entries will be deserialized from disk when removed from memory cache.

memoryCacheUnaffected?: boolean

Additionally cache computation of modules that are unchanged and reference only unchanged modules in memory.

name?: string

Name for the cache. Different names will lead to different coexisting caches.

profile?: boolean

Track and log detailed timing information for individual cache items.

readonly?: boolean

Enable/disable readonly mode.

store?: "pack"

When to store data to the filesystem. (pack: Store data when compiler is idle in a single file).

type: "filesystem"

Filesystem caching.

version?: string

Version of the cache data. Different versions won't allow to reuse the cache and override existing content. Update the version when config changed in a way which doesn't allow to reuse cache. This will invalidate the cache.