Enable/disable creating async chunks that are loaded on demand.
Base uri for this entry.
The method of loading chunks (methods included by default are 'jsonp' (web), 'import' (ESM), 'importScripts' (WebWorker), 'require' (sync node.js), 'async-node' (async node.js), but others might be added by plugins).
The entrypoints that the current entrypoint depend on. They must be loaded when this entrypoint is loaded.
Specifies the filename of the output file on disk. You must not specify an absolute path here, but the path may contain folders separated by '/'! The specified path is joined with the value of the 'output.path' option to determine the location on disk.
Module(s) that are loaded upon startup.
Specifies the layer in which modules of this entrypoint are placed.
Options for library.
The 'publicPath' specifies the public URL address of the output files when referenced in a browser.
The name of the runtime chunk. If set a runtime chunk with this name is created or an existing entrypoint is used as runtime.
The method of loading WebAssembly Modules (methods included by default are 'fetch' (web/WebWorker), 'async-node' (node.js), but others might be added by plugins).
An object with entry point description.