Properties eventTypeRendererMap event
TypeRendererMap: Partial < { DATA: ( t: Task < any , typeof SimpleRenderer > , event: { data: string ; type: DATA } ) => void ; ENABLED: ( t: Task < any , typeof SimpleRenderer > , event: { data?: string | boolean ; type: TITLE | STATE | ENABLED | SUBTASK } ) => void ; MESSAGE: ( t: Task < any , typeof SimpleRenderer > , event: { data: { duration?: number ; error?: string ; retry?: { count: number ; withError?: any } ; rollback?: string ; skip?: string } ; type: MESSAGE } ) => void ; STATE: ( t: Task < any , typeof SimpleRenderer > , event: { data?: string | boolean ; type: TITLE | STATE | ENABLED | SUBTASK } ) => void ; SUBTASK: ( t: Task < any , typeof SimpleRenderer > , event: { data?: string | boolean ; type: TITLE | STATE | ENABLED | SUBTASK } ) => void ; TITLE: ( t: Task < any , typeof SimpleRenderer > , event: { data?: string | boolean ; type: TITLE | STATE | ENABLED | SUBTASK } ) => void } > Defined in node_modules/listr2/dist/index.d.ts:495 options options: { output?: "stdout" | "stderr" ; prefixWithTimestamp?: boolean }
Defined in node_modules/listr2/dist/index.d.ts:468 Type declaration Optional output?: "stdout" | "stderr" Optional prefixWithTimestamp?: boolean Readonly tasksDefined in node_modules/listr2/dist/index.d.ts:467 Static nonTTYnonTTY: boolean
Defined in node_modules/listr2/dist/index.d.ts:469 Static rendererOptions rendererOptions: { output?: "stdout" | "stderr" ; prefixWithTimestamp?: boolean }
Defined in node_modules/listr2/dist/index.d.ts:470 Type declaration Optional output?: "stdout" | "stderr" Optional prefixWithTimestamp?: boolean Static rendererTaskOptions rendererTaskOptions: never
Defined in node_modules/listr2/dist/index.d.ts:491
This is the default renderer which is neither verbose or updating. It provides short output like update renderer, but does not disturb stdin during execution of listr tasks