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  • PublisherGitHubConfig



authToken?: string

An authorization token with permission to upload releases to this repository.

You can set the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable if you don't want to hard code this into your config.

draft?: boolean

Whether or not this release should be tagged as a draft

force?: boolean

Re-upload the new asset if you upload an asset with the same filename as existing asset

generateReleaseNotes?: boolean

Whether to automatically generate release notes for the release

octokitOptions?: OctokitOptions

This options object is directly passed to @octokit/rest so you can customize any of the options that module uses. This is particularly helpful for publishing to GitHub Enterprise servers.

prerelease?: boolean

Whether or not this release should be tagged as a prerelease

repository: GitHubRepository

Details that identify your repository (name and owner)

tagPrefix?: string

Prepended to the package version to determine the release name (default "v")