  • Public
  • Public/Protected
  • All




clientId?: string
clientSecret?: string
credentials?: Credentials
eagerRefreshThresholdMillis?: number

The expiration threshold in milliseconds before forcing token refresh of unexpired tokens.

forceRefreshOnFailure?: boolean

Whether to attempt to refresh tokens on status 401/403 responses even if an attempt is made to refresh the token preemptively based on the expiry_date.

idTokenProvider: IdTokenProvider

The client to make the request to fetch an ID token.

projectId: undefined | null | string
project_id: undefined | null | string
quotaProjectId: undefined | string
quota_project_id: undefined | string
redirectUri?: string
targetAudience: string

The audience to use when requesting an ID token.

transporter?: Transporter | Gaxios

A Gaxios or Transporter instance to use for AuthClient requests.

transporterOptions?: GaxiosOptions

Provides default options to the transporter, such as agent or retryConfig.

universeDomain: undefined | string
universe_domain: undefined | string